BCI NET Dec 94.iso
Assembly Source File
654 lines
* *
* Trackloader coded by Patrik Lundquist *
* *
* Version 1.43 *
* *
* Copyright (c) 1991-94 by Patrik Lundquist *
* *
* *
* I coded this loader back in 1991 and fixed a bug in May `93, when I *
* also released version, 1.0. Since people have shown interest I *
* thought I'd better release a newer vesion. *
* *
* The loader accepts blocks in the range of 0-1803 (cylinders 0-81). *
* I wouldn't recommend using cylinders 80-81 as it's not standard. *
* You should have this loader running outside your interrupts. *
* Registers d0-d7/a0-a2 are trashed by Loader. *
* *
* These registers are initialized in LoaderInit: *
* lea $bfd000,a3 *
* lea LDR_vars,a4 *
* lea $dff000,a5 *
* *
* LoaderInit: *
* description: Initializes registers, variables and drives. *
* requires: nothing *
* input: d0.b - retries, 0-255 *
* result: none *
* *
* LoaderExit: *
* description: Cleans up. Restores registers. *
* requires: lea $bfd000,a3 -- doesn't trash any reg *
* lea LDR_vars,a4 *
* lea $dff000,a5 *
* input: none *
* result: none *
* *
* Loader: *
* description: Loads from disk. *
* requires: lea $bfd000,a3 *
* lea LDR_vars,a4 *
* lea $dff000,a5 *
* input: d0.l - startblock, 0-1803 *
* d1.l - blocks to read, 1-1804 *
* d2.b - drive to use, 0-3 *
* a0 - destination address *
* result: d0.l - 0 = Success *
* -1 = Out of boundary sector read *
* -2 = Drive not available *
* -3 = No disk in drive *
* -4 = Sync not found *
* -5 = Checksum error *
* *
* LoaderUpdate: *
* description: Updates information about inserted disks, DRV_Status. *
* requires: lea $bfd000,a3 -- doesn't trash any reg *
* input: none *
* result: none *
* *
* About LDR_DriveX's DRV_Status: *
* Bit set = true. 0 - Drive available *
* 1 - Disk inserted *
* 2-7 Unused *
* *
* *
* You may use this source partly or in whole for non commercial and *
* non destructive purposes. I would appreciate credits if you use it. *
* Think twice before you decide to use a trackloader, most people *
* have a harddisk nowadays! *
* *
* This sourcecode may not be distributed for profit. *
* *
* This sourcecode is provided "AS IS" without warranty of any kind, *
* either expressed or implied. By using this source you agree to accept *
* the entire risk as to the quality and performance of the source. *
* I can NOT be held liable for any damaged caused by this sourcecode. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.1: *
* - Code cleaning, optimizations. *
* - Multiple drives supported. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.2: *
* - Data checksum error check. *
* - Retries. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.3: *
* - Checks for inserted disks. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.4: *
* - Minor improvements. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.41: *
* - Much faster checksum calculation. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.42: *
* - More automatic disk checking. *
* *
* Changes in version 1.43: *
* - Error codes. *
* *
* You can reach me here: *
* *
* Internet: pi92plu@pt.hk-r.se *
* *
* IRC: PatrikL @ #amiga *
* *
include hardware/cia.i
Section Demonstration,Code
Opt c+,o+,ow2-,u-
DemoStart lea $dff000,a5
move.w $1c(a5),oldintena save old interrupt enable
bset #7,oldintena
move.w $1e(a5),oldintreq save old interrupt request
bset #7,oldintreq
move.w #$7fff,d1
move.w d1,$9a(a5) kill all interrupts
move.w d1,$9c(a5)
moveq #3,d0 Retries, 0-255
jsr LoaderInit Setup loader.
move.l #880,d0 Start block, 0-1803
moveq #88,d1 Blocks to read, 1-1804
move.b #0,d2 Drive 0, 0-3
lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address
jsr Loader
tst.l d0
bne.s Failure
moveq #0,d0 Start block, 0-1803
moveq #88,d1 Blocks to read, 1-1804
move.b #0,d2 Drive 0, 0-3
lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address
jsr Loader
tst.l d0
bne.s Failure
move.l #1600,d0 Start block, 0-1803.
moveq #88,d1 Blocks to read, 1-1804
move.b #1,d2 Drive 1, 0-3
lea DestBuffer,a0 Destination address
jsr Loader
tst.l d0
bne.s Failure
DemoExit jsr LoaderExit Restore hardware registers.
move.w oldintena(pc),$9a(a5)
move.w oldintreq(pc),$9c(a5)
Failure MOVE.W #$F00,$180(A5)
bra.s DemoExit
oldintena ds.w 1
oldintreq ds.w 1
Section DemoDest,BSS
DestBuffer ds.b 88*512 88 blocks, only for demonstration.
Section Trackloader,Code
Opt c+,o+
* Retries -> d0.b
ldr_SyncWord equ $4489
LoaderInit lea $bfd000,a3
lea LDR_vars(pc),a4
lea $dff000,a5
move.b ciacra(a3),LDR_oldCRA(a4)
move.w $10(a5),LDR_oldADK(a4)
bset #7,LDR_oldADK(a4)
and.w #$9500,LDR_oldADK(a4)
move.w $2(a5),LDR_oldDMA(a4)
bset #7,LDR_oldDMA(a4)
and.w #$8210,LDR_oldDMA(a4)
move.w #ldr_SyncWord,$7e(a5) DSKSYNC
move.w #$9500,$9e(a5) ADKCON
move.w #$4000,$24(a5) dsklen, disk DMA off
move.w #$8210,$96(a5) Disk DMA
move.b #CIACRAF_OUTMODE!CIACRAF_RUNMODE!CIACRAF_SPMODE,ciacra(a3) Stop, one-shot mode.
move.b d0,LDR_Retries(a4)
; Find available drives and init them. DF0: is assumed to always be available.
; Can't get an ID stream from DF0: DD drives anyway.
move.b #3,LDR_Drive(a4) DF0:
lea LDR_Drive0(pc),a2
bset #0,DRV_Status(a2)
bsr ldr_GoToCyl0
lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
move.b #4,d3 DF1:
move.b #%00001000,d4 DF0:
move.w #2,d2
.driveLoop move.b d3,LDR_Drive(a4)
bsr ldr_MotorOn Reset serial shifter
bsr ldr_MotorOff by turning motor on and off
moveq #0,d5
move.w #31,d1
.nextBit bclr d3,ciaprb(a3) Select drive
btst #CIAB_DSKRDY,$bfe001
bne.s .bitClear Active when low
bset d1,d5 Collect serial bits in d5
.bitClear bset d3,ciaprb(a3) Deselect drive
dbra d1,.nextBit
cmp.l #-1,d5
bne.s .noDrive
bset d3,d4
bset #0,DRV_Status(a2)
bsr ldr_GoToCyl0
.noDrive addq.b #1,d3
lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
dbra d2,.driveLoop
move.b d4,LDR_DrivesAvail(a4)
bsr.s LoaderUpdate
LoaderExit move.b LDR_oldCRA(a4),ciacra(a3)
move.w #$1500,$9e(a5)
move.w LDR_oldADK(a4),$9e(a5)
move.w #$0210,$96(a5)
move.w LDR_oldDMA(a4),$96(a5)
LoaderUpdate movem.l a2/d2-3,-(sp)
moveq #3,d2
move.b d2,d3
lea LDR_Drive0(pc),a2
.loop btst #0,DRV_Status(a2)
beq.s .noUnit
or.b #$78,ciaprb(a3) Deselect all drives
bclr d3,ciaprb(a3) Select drive
btst #0,DRV_CylPos(a2)
beq.s .even
bsr ldr_MoveOut
bra.s .test
.even bsr ldr_MoveIn
.test bclr #1,DRV_Status(a2)
btst #CIAB_DSKCHANGE,$bfe001
beq.s .noDisk
bset #1,DRV_Status(a2)
.noUnit lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
addq.b #1,d3
dbra d2,.loop
or.b #$78,ciaprb(a3) Deselect all drives
movem.l (sp)+,a2/d2-3
* Control routine.
* Start block -> d0.l
* Number of blocks -> d1.l
* Drive to use -> d2.b
* Destination address -> a0
* Returns success in d0
; What a mess...
Loader tst.w d1
beq .QuitLoader
move.l d0,d3
add.w d1,d0
cmp.w #1804,d0
ble.s .okSectorRange
moveq #-1,d0 Out of boundary sector read
.okSectorRange lea LDR_Drive0(pc),a2
cmp.b #0,d2
beq.s .rightUnit
lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
cmp.b #1,d2
beq.s .rightUnit
lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
cmp.b #2,d2
beq.s .rightUnit
lea DRV_SIZEOF(a2),a2
cmp.b #3,d2
beq.s .rightUnit
moveq #-2,d0 Drive not available
.rightUnit addq.b #3,d2
moveq #0,d0
bset d2,d0
and.b LDR_DrivesAvail(a4),d0
bne.s .driveExists
moveq #-2,d0 Drive not available
.driveExists move.b d2,LDR_Drive(a4)
bsr LoaderUpdate
btst #1,DRV_Status(a2) Any disk?
bne.s .diskInserted
moveq #-3,d0 No disk in drive
.diskInserted bsr ldr_MotorOn
divu.w #11,d3
move.b d3,LDR_StartTrk(a4)
swap d3
move.b d3,LDR_StartSec(a4)
add.w d3,d1
swap d3
subq.w #1,d1 End block
divu.w #11,d1
move.b d1,LDR_Tracks(a4)
swap d1
addq.w #1,d1
move.b d1,LDR_EndSec(a4) Amount of sectors to read on last track
move.b d3,d1 Start-track in d3.
move.b DRV_CylPos(a2),d2
lsr.b #1,d1
cmp.b d1,d2
beq.s .RightCyl No need to move head.
blt.s .MoveInwards
sub.b d1,d2 Moving heads outwards.
bsr ldr_MoveOut
subq.b #1,d2
beq.s .RightCyl
subq.b #1,d2
ext.w d2
.MoveHeadOut bsr ldr_MoveHead
dbra d2,.MoveHeadOut
bra.s .RightCyl
.MoveInwards sub.b d2,d1 Moving heads inwards.
bsr ldr_MoveIn
subq.b #1,d1
beq.s .RightCyl
subq.b #1,d1
ext.w d1
.MoveHeadIn bsr ldr_MoveHead
dbra d1,.MoveHeadIn
.RightCyl btst #0,LDR_StartTrk(a4) Time to pick side.
beq.s .LowerIt
btst #CIAB_DSKSIDE,ciaprb(a3)
beq.s .RightTrack
bsr ldr_Upper
bra.s .RightTrack
.LowerIt btst #CIAB_DSKSIDE,ciaprb(a3)
bne.s .RightTrack
bsr ldr_Lower
.RightTrack move.b LDR_StartSec(a4),d3 And now, the reading begins.
move.b LDR_Tracks(a4),d2
beq.s .LastTrack
moveq #11,d4
bsr.s ldr_Read
tst.l d0
bne.s .LoaderFail
.NextTrack moveq #0,d3
btst #CIAB_DSKSIDE,ciaprb(a3)
bne.s .NextSide
bsr ldr_Lower
btst #CIAB_DSKDIREC,ciaprb(a3)
bne.s .FirstMoveIn
bsr ldr_MoveHead
bra.s .NextRead
.FirstMoveIn bsr ldr_MoveIn
bra.s .NextRead
.NextSide bsr ldr_Upper
.NextRead subq.b #1,d2
beq.s .LastTrack
bsr.s ldr_Read
tst.l d0
bne.s .LoaderFail
bra.s .NextTrack
.LastTrack move.b LDR_EndSec(a4),d4
bsr.s ldr_Read
tst.l d0
bne.s .LoaderFail
bsr.s ldr_MotorOff
.QuitLoader moveq #0,d0
.LoaderFail bsr.s ldr_MotorOff
ldr_MotorOn move.b LDR_Drive(a4),d0
or.b #$78,ciaprb(a3) Set bits 3,4,5 and 6,
; deselect all drives.
bclr #CIAB_DSKMOTOR,ciaprb(a3) Switch on motor.
bclr d0,ciaprb(a3) Clear drive bit.
ldr_MotorOff move.b LDR_Drive(a4),d0
or.b #$f8,ciaprb(a3) Set bits 3,4,5,6 and 7,
; deselects all drives, motor off.
bclr d0,ciaprb(a3) Clear drive bit.
ldr_Read move.b LDR_Retries(a4),d5
moveq #0,d6
.reRead move.b #$91,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
move.b #$29,ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
.DSKRDY btst #CIAB_DSKRDY,$bfe001 Await Disk ready.
bne.s .DSKRDY
bsr ldr_Timer
move.w #2,$9c(a5) Clear Disk Int. request.
move.l #ldr_TrackBuffer,$20(a5) DSKPT, MFM-buffer.
move.w #$9900,$24(a5) dsklen, read lenght.
move.w #$9900,$24(a5) dsklen
.DMAwait btst #1,$1f(a5) DMA transfer done when high.
beq.s .DMAwait Imagine a sync is never found... Deadlock! :-)
move.w #$4000,$24(a5) Disk DMA off.
bsr.s ldr_Decode
tst.l d0
bne.s .error
addq.b #1,d6
cmp.b d6,d5
bhs.s .reRead
* Destination address -> a0
* Start sector -> d3
* End sector -> d4
; In case of failure ldr_Decode only tries to decode what's left from last
; try.
ldr_Decode movem.l d2/d5-7/a1-2,-(sp)
move.l #$55555555,d7 %010101...
.FindSector lea ldr_TrackBuffer,a1
move.l #ldr_TrackBuffer+$3200-$440,d2
move.w #ldr_SyncWord,d5 Sync-word.
.SyncSearch cmp.l d2,a1 Check if within track buffer
ble.s .withinBuffer
moveq #-4,d0 Sync not found
bra.s .DecodeFail
.withinBuffer cmp.w (a1)+,d5 Check for Sync-word.
bne.s .SyncSearch
cmp.w (a1),d5 Another Sync-word?
beq.s .SyncSearch
move.l (a1)+,d0 Get sector we're looking at
move.l (a1),d1
and.w d7,d0
add.w d0,d0 ; lsl.w #1,d0
and.w d7,d1
or.w d1,d0
lsr.w #8,d0
cmp.b d3,d0 Correct sector?
beq.s .CorrectSctr
lea $43a(a1),a1 Move to next sector, 2nd sync word.
bra.s .SyncSearch
.CorrectSctr lea $30(a1),a1 Skip to Data checksum
move.l (a1)+,d6 Get Data-block checksum
and.l d7,d6
moveq #$7f,d2
lea $200(a1),a2
moveq #0,d5
.DeCodeLoop move.l (a1)+,d0
and.l d7,d0
add.l d0,d0 ; lsl.l #1,d0
move.l (a2)+,d1
and.l d7,d1
or.l d1,d0
move.l d0,(a0)+ Move to Load Address.
eor.l d0,d5
dbra d2,.DeCodeLoop
move.l d5,d1 Checksum control
lsr.l #1,d1
eor.l d1,d5
and.l d7,d5
cmp.l d5,d6
beq.s .chksumOk
lea -512(a0),a0 Step back faulty sector
moveq #-5,d0 Checksum error
.DecodeFail movem.l (sp)+,d2/d5-7/a1-2
.chksumOk addq.b #1,d3 Add sector we just processed
cmp.b d4,d3
bne.s .FindSector
movem.l (sp)+,d2/d5-7/a1-2
moveq #0,d0
ldr_GoToCyl0 move.b LDR_Drive(a4),d0
or.b #$78,ciaprb(a3) Deselect all drives
bclr d0,ciaprb(a3) Select drive
btst #CIAB_DSKTRACK0,$bfe001 Cyl 0 when low.
beq.s .AtCylPos0
bsr.s ldr_MoveOut
.TowardsCyl0 btst #CIAB_DSKTRACK0,$bfe001 Cyl 0 when low.
beq.s .AtCylPos0
bclr #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Move head.
bset #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Prepare to move head.
move.b #$15,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
move.b #$0b,ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
bsr ldr_Timer 4ms
bra.s .TowardsCyl0
.AtCylPos0 clr.b DRV_CylPos(a2)
or.b #$78,ciaprb(a3) Deselect all drives
ldr_Upper bclr #CIAB_DSKSIDE,ciaprb(a3) Upper side.
move.b #$47,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
clr.b ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
bra ldr_Timer 100µs
ldr_Lower bset #CIAB_DSKSIDE,ciaprb(a3) Lower side.
move.b #$47,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
clr.b ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
bra.s ldr_Timer 100µs
ldr_MoveOut bset #CIAB_DSKDIREC,ciaprb(a3) Head direction outwards.
bclr #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Move head.
bset #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Prepare to move head.
move.b #$e1,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
move.b #$31,ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
move.b #-1,LDR_HeadDir(a4)
subq.b #1,DRV_CylPos(a2)
bra.s ldr_Timer 18ms
ldr_MoveIn and.b #$fc,ciaprb(a3) Clear bits 0 and 1,
; which results in diskdirec=inwards, head moved.
bset #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Prepare to move head.
move.b #$e1,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
move.b #$31,ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
move.b #1,LDR_HeadDir(a4)
addq.b #1,DRV_CylPos(a2)
bra.s ldr_Timer 18ms
ldr_MoveHead bclr #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Move head.
bset #CIAB_DSKSTEP,ciaprb(a3) Prepare to move head.
move.b #$50,ciatalo(a3) Timer A low.
move.b #$08,ciatahi(a3) Timer A hi, and starts timer.
move.b LDR_HeadDir(a4),d0
add.b d0,DRV_CylPos(a2)
; bra.s ldr_Timer 3ms
ldr_Timer btst #CIAICRB_TA,ciaicr(a3) Await Timer ready.
beq.s ldr_Timer
LDR_oldADK rs.w 1
LDR_oldDMA rs.w 1
LDR_oldCRA rs.b 1
LDR_HeadDir rs.b 1
LDR_StartTrk rs.b 1
LDR_StartSec rs.b 1
LDR_Tracks rs.b 1
LDR_EndSec rs.b 1
LDR_DrivesAvail rs.b 1
LDR_Drive rs.b 1
LDR_Retries rs.b 1
LDR_vars ds.b LDR_SIZEOF
DRV_CylPos rs.b 1
DRV_Status rs.b 1
LDR_Drive0 dcb.b DRV_SIZEOF,0
LDR_Drive1 dcb.b DRV_SIZEOF,0
LDR_Drive2 dcb.b DRV_SIZEOF,0
LDR_Drive3 dcb.b DRV_SIZEOF,0
Section Track,BSS_C
ldr_TrackBuffer ds.w $1900 12800 bytes, room for one MFM-track.
Operation: Wait Time: Timervalue:
Motor on 500ms, DSKRDY $56982
Diskside stable before reading 100µs $47
Diskside stable before writing 100µs $47
Diskside stable after writing 1.3ms $39A
Diskstep 3ms $850
Reverse diskstep 18ms $31E1
Settle time 15ms $2991
Track 00 signal low after step 4ms $B15
Track 00 signal hi after step 1µs $1
Step after drive select 1µs $1
Direction select before step 1µs $1
Direction select after step 1µs $1
Keep low signal 1µs $1